diVa® Laser Therapy and diVaTyte™

Comfortable, easy and minimal downtime to renew your butterfly and regain your youthfulness

diVa® Laser Therapy and diVaTyte™

Comfortable, easy and minimal downtime to renew your butterfly and regain your youthfulness

diva laser

diVa® Laser Therapy and diVaTyte™

The makers of the innovative diVa® laser therapy bring you diVaTyte™ for complete vaginal rejuvenation of vulvar skin. While your butterfly may have experienced metamorphosis you can restore her vitality. diVa® laser therapy with diVaTyte™ is a no downtime, no surgery solution to breathe life back into your most intimate area.

What is diVaTyte™?

diVaTyte™laser therapy uses the trusted technology of Broad Band Light or BBL. Maybe you’ve read about BBL for the face and neck. Even better, you’ve seen first-hand the dramatic changes it makes in your skin. diVaTyte™ rejuvenates the vulvar skin with non-ablative wavelength technology to promote natural restoration from the inside out. It’s non-surgical and comfortable. Best of all, the entire process takes about 10 minutes right here in the privacy of our office. diVaTyte™ restores the youthfulness of your butterfly to put you back to living your best life.

How Do I Know if diVaTyte™ is right for me?

Many women find that the appearance, tone and texture of their exterior vaginal area change over time. This is something we as women all share. No matter the degree of the change it does happen. While the reasons for this are different, the solution is the same: diVa® laser therapy with diVaTyte™. 

diVaTyte™ spans the ages and is a great solution for women in their 20s, 30s, 40s and beyond.

What are the Top Reasons Women Choose diVaTyte™?

Menopause and Aging

There are three stages of menopause. The first, perimenopause, usually strikes in the 40s. Hormones will begin to fluctuate. In the vaginal area, dips in estrogen cause dryness and skin laxity and looseness. As menopause progresses into active menopause and then post menopause these changes continue. Sagging of skin is common with decreases in collagen and estrogen production. Changes in vaginal health are a common cause of problems with intimacy and quality of life. In fact, sagging skin is a top complaint of women in menopause.

diVaTyte™ rejuvenates loose, sagging skin from the effects with aging and menopause. It’s a perfect complement to other treatments, too.

Pregnancy and Childbirth

Pregnancy and childbirth take a toll on vaginal appearance and tone. First, carrying a baby during pregnancy is a huge physical demand on your body. You may continue many of your normal activities throughout pregnancy. However, your pelvic and bladder muscles feel the burn. With that, muscle tone weakens in these areas. This is why even women with a history of C-sections find laxity and looseness and seek diVaTyte™. If you’ve given birth vaginally, especially multiple times, diVaTyte™ restores and rejuvenates the tone and texture of vulvar skin lost during labor.

diVaTyte™ is an optimal solution for vaginal rejuvenation for moms of all ages and stages. This no downtime procedure gets you back to life in no time.


New Mommy? Renew your butterfly in the time it takes to read Mother Goose. Mid-Mom Years? Life is busy! Treat yourself to vaginal rejuvenation. Empty Nest? It’s your time to renew, restore and rejuvenate.

What is Behind diVaTyte™?

diVa® laser therapy with diVaTyte™ uses SkinTyte™. SkinTyte™ is the same technology you will see used on areas of the body like the face and neck. diVaTyte™ uses a two way approach to initiate the body’s natural healing responses. The first protects your top layer of skin with a contact cooling method. Next, infrared energy goes deeper into the layers of the skin where collagen and elastin are produced. Working in synergy, these two systems jump start and boost your body’s natural healing responses. Your body works with you for a renewed, restored butterfly.

Accept no substitutes. Only diVaTyte™ uses SkinTyte™ technology.

diVaTyte™ Expectations and You

The future is now with diVaTyte™. You don’t have to accept decreased vaginal health that is putting a damper on your life. To explore if diVaTyte™ is right for you Dr. Pettigrew will schedule your personal, private consultation. It’s important to come together to assess your concerns and goals and ensure that this is the best fit for you. Every women is different. Unique bodies, experiences and expectations. As a general rule, diVaTyte™ is recommended for women who desire mild to moderate skin improvement without the cost and recovery burden of surgery.

How Long Does it Take to See Results with diVaTyte™?

Following diVaTyte™ you can get right back to normal activities. Avoid intercourse for 48 hours. DivaTyte™ full results can take about four months. Keep in mind that your body has its own unique remodeling process.

Renew your butterfly with the no surgery, no downtime solution, diVaTyte™. diVaTyte™ is the perfect complement to other products and procedures, too.

vaginal rejuvenation

Before and after laser treatment

vaginal rejuvenation

Before and after laser treatment

vaginal rejuvenation

Before and after laser treatment